Exhibit #2
Loops of the
04x05 Determined Field
04x05 Determined Field
The following exhibit displays all of the different loops of the 04x05 determined field.

The name of this loop is 0405-000-323-L (The "L" stands for "Loop"). As with all of these loops, this is the first instance of this loop in the entire 04x05 determined field. I always thought that it resembled a space alien (or a stool) but, of course, that's just me. I'm sure you see something different when you see that shape.

0405-000-3223-L looks like a backwards "G," doesn't it? Or maybe a backwards "6," perhaps?

I've always thought of 0405-000-3224-L as a chair or a table.

0405-000-333111-L kind of resembles the letter "n" or a classical U-shaped magnet.

Finally, how can anyone see anything other than the capital letter "H" from 0405-000-333112-L? I guess that's what makes us all special -- That we all see something different. Still, it's hard to see anything else... Perhaps a really narrow track-and-field hurdle?